13. November 2016

Week 13

Hello out there,
on Tuesday evening there was Fall Sport Recognition night for tennis, softball, volleyball and boys swim. So we went there and got called out. I just got called out and nothing more because I just played Junior Varsity so I got no letter or something.
On Thursday in second hour we went to the Middle School for choir practice and we had to do our presentation in government that we prepared in my group during the week. In the evening we had Show Choir practice again.
On Friday was Veterans Day and Middle and High School had an assembly together in the gym. Because I´m in Show Choir we had to perform as well as band and some individual students and teachers that gave speeches. It was amazing how much the Veterans get honored here in America and I think they deserve it. Also they organized a visit in a nursery home that day and so some of the choir people and others performed there in honor of the Veterans.
On Saturday my hostdad took me to a Lamar football game again. This time they played the Semi Championship against Mt. View Liberty and won 42-7. It was a pretty good game and the team spirit was as big as never before.
Today (at least till now) we just stayed at home and I´m doing homework and stuff that I didn´t manage to do during the week.

Wish you all a good week!
Isabel :)

Bit blurry.. tennis JV

Tennis Varsity

Me and Kierra

Walking to Choir practice

Veterans Day assembly

Football game *-*

Go tigers!

Final score

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