12. September 2016

Week 4

Hey out there,
this week nothing special happened. On Monday was Labor Day and we just stayed at home and did homework and watched some TV. I already have my daily routine so I´m really used to all the stuff going on. We had plenty of tests and two tennis matches instead of practice and on Friday it was the last home match of the season so it was our "Senior Night". One of the girls ´wrote´ the Seniors´ names (includes mine) with cups into the fence of the court and another made a poster with our names. On Saturday morning I did some of my required community service hours and afterwards I had District Honor Choir Audition in Carthage and later in the evening I got the message that I didn´t made it. At least I tried it and it´s another American Experience for me.
Today it was my first time going to church here in America and I just can say that it has nearly nothing in common with church in Germany. Right after we went to Joplin with my friend, my hostsister, my hostmum and other exchange students and did some shopping.
So that was my week and I really notice that I get my routine and used to everything here. I enjoy my time here so much and I already know that I don´t wanna leave.

"Senior Night"

Me, Callista and Tara ready for the Districts

Going to the Districts

Ice cream *-*

Isabel :)

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