18. September 2016

Week 5

Hey guys,
my first month in the USA is already over. Now I have only 9 left and like I said before I know that I don´t wanna leave next year. This week I had a few tests and on Tuesday I had my first tennis match. I played a double and we lost 2-6 but at least I played.
Wednesday was picture day in my school and on Thursday evening we had an extra practice for Show Choir outside of the normal school time. In all choirs we did a "Talent Day" on Friday where everyone could perform something. Me and Tara (the other German exchange student at my school) sang a German song and it was amazing. With A Cappella Choir we did the Cup-Song and it sounded so good! We also should have had a tennis match this day but it was canceled because it rained so much. So we could go home after school and the week was over.
Yesterday I went to Jasper with my hostdad and did some Volunteer Hours at the Concession Stand while he was a referee for a football game. Afterwards I helped passing out water in a parade with other exchange students. As we finally got home I got ready because I was invited to a movie night.
This was my week so far and today I will just stay at home and relax.

See you,
Our history classroom (when all Freshman are gone)

First tennis match

Me and Alecia *-*

Volunteering at the Concession Stand

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